
Anne-Marie Kee became the Head of School and Foundation at Lakefield College School in September of 2017, and she loves everything about The Grove.  The current Strategic Plan, Focus Forward, has four pillars: Authentic Learning, Community First, Outdoors Every day, and Strength and Permanence.

She is the former Executive Director at the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), an association of 95 schools that are passionate about learning and leading. She was responsible for strategies designed to support continuous school improvement and lead research, professional development, and accreditation programs that reinforced the vision of CAIS, to shape the future of education.

As leader of the national organization for over ten years, she initiated the National Tracking Project, co-authored the National Technology Project: A Report on Effective Practice and lead the organization through a national collaborative review of the National Standards and procedures of accreditation, which eventually lead to recognition by the International Commission of Accreditation.  She also developed a series of research projects on risk management, governance, teaching and learning, enrolment management, and online and blended learning. She launched a marketing project for Canada’s boarding schools to collaboratively recruit more international students in 2010, and launched the first National Parent Motivational Survey in 2013, which examined CAIS and general population parents’ attitudes.  Finally, she oversaw the CAIS Leadership Institute, which trains over 150 leaders each year, and established several new modules including Women in Leadership, Coaching Leaders, Teaching for 21st Century Learning, and Marketing. She initiated a two-year program for current administrators – The Next Step – that mandated an innovative change project to be implemented in one year while working with a mentor.

She began her career teaching English in the Kingston area then went on to become the Dean of Studies and Chair of the Integrated Technology Implementation program at Lower Canada College in Montreal.

Kee currently sits on the Board of the Enrolment Management Association.  She previously sat on the board of The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS), was the President of the Independent Schools Association Network (ISAnet) and on the Executive of the International Commission on Accreditation.  She has been a frequent speaker in over 150 independent schools in 7 countries.

Kee holds a BA, B.Ed. and an M.Ed. from Queen’s University, attended the Independent Schools Institute at Harvard in 2008, and obtained the Chartered Director (C.Dir.) designation from The Directors College (a joint venture of McMaster University and The Conference Board of Canada) in 2012.

Her husband is the Dean of Arts at the University of Ottawa; her son graduated from McGill and Her daughter is enrolled at IE in Madrid.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Anne-Marie, I am a former LCS student who loved her time at LCS. I am a bit of a writer and I wrote something about what LCS means to me and how it is a very special place. I really want to share it with you but I don’t know how.
    I found this blog on the LCS facebook page and I am very happy I did because I love every post and how they make me feel like I am still connected to LCS somehow, even from Mexico. Reading this made me realize I want to share what I wrote in the summer about my favourite place and school. So maybe I can send it to you by email? Or whatever works best for you.
    Thank you for these posts because they really make me feel like I am still part of the community and they make me remember the experiences I had during my year at LCS, which I miss so much and would give anything to have the chance to have another.
    So thank you. I really hope to hear back from you.

  2. Hello Anne-Marie, I came across your blog tonight after hearing a presenter this past week refer to the work of Kevin Kee at Brock U. I was in a day long session on the value of Learning Portfolios…a major initiative of McMaster. I was curious and certain it was the Kevin Kee and Anne-Marie. It must be over 20 years since we were last in touch, you were living in Montreal at the time. I hope this finds you well. I see you are living in St. Catherines, I have been living in Hamilton for 15 years, and I love it. After years of contract work it was wonderful to return to Southern Ontario for a permanent, full time position at McMaster U. I am well and very happy, life is full! I am still at Mac, working in the Student Success Centre within Student Affairs. I left Residences about a decade ago and assumed responsibility for the Undergraduate Orientation and Transition Program…so you can imagine the summer months are most busiest as we prepare for the first year class arriving on August 30th this year – all 5200 of them! I am off to a conference in Halifax, NS, tomorrow morning, it would be lovely to hear how you and Kevin and your children…..they were babies when I visited you in Montreal….maybe 17 years ago? I am a foggy on the exact timing of that visit. Cheers, Michele

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